FoodChain ID Acquires Lexagri

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Stay informed

Nowadays, information is key and having access to the latest data is crucial to meet all requirements defined by any market. With over 30 years of experience in the market, Lexagri has been able to identify the essential needs of all parties involved in the ag market. This experience is utilized by our team of agronomists and IT professionals to develop dedicated solutions which help our clients to access the latest updates of global agricultural information in all our services.

Focus on what matters

Our clients stay informed through our completely customizable Alerts, tailored CSV files and custom-made APIs to access the latest global plant protection products data from Homologa.

Our FTP standards grant access to Safety Data Sheets, legislation, and phytosanitary products and fertilizer market data flows which are being used by Basagri’s clients.

Our email listings inform Agrowin’s clients about the most up-to-date global agricultural panel data and our dedicated web solutions allow the Ag Industry to communicate and transfer their exact information to all representatives of the global food chain. 

Lexagri focuses on client satisfaction providing the most efficient and reliable tools to stay informed while working with agricultural data. 

Contact us now to know more about our services and discover how to get the data that you need, when you need it.